people and faces

fernando the hat dancer
Wage love not war. Protester outside of the Whitehouse in D.C.

the Mother and daughter
The Bride
The Working Man
the flower girl
The Minister

Action Hero gone Bad
The Thinker
Marv- 62 years young
Gene the river guide
miss juniper
veggie boy
Soul man
River Thames street artists


wild bill cody

some chic cookin

ranger in the nation's capital

Monks from Tibet
Outside of the London museum, this chalk artist lay spent and possibly stoned? ;)

Indian wedding

a man and his rolls

Hunter, six year old little man
Miss Ash, Princess Beautiful
The river rat boyz @ it again
Skipper-the flying dog-dock dog competition

beauty is in the eye and the humor

ciao baby
a smart german never goes far from the porta-potty

Shotgun wedding

Tatt shoppe owner- Kyle on the Hollyweird strip
Street perfomers, along the river Thames- England-

Sylvia the vegetable lady
belly dancers
street artist- california wall of fame

alien the christmas cat

mud diva
Brand new

frog man
charlie  peace and love from earthday
Alysha the birthday girl
silly the smiley boy
Yellowhorse, grandson of the chief yellowhorse of the navajo nation, grand canyon marketplace.

Mark the carni, on carnival circus with Precious.

Navajo children, roadside stand- grand canyon






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